23 FILM is expanding its scope of activity by including projects in its portfolio that target rural and disadvantaged communities, minorities, and other underprivileged groups. The aim is to share the expertise and know-how accumulated over years of experience in the field of film and audiovisual production.
How we get involved
23 FILM aims to develop its non-profit activity component under the umbrella of an affiliated NGO, specifically by creating projects funded through CSR initiatives. The goal is to contribute to reducing social inequalities and facilitating access for minorities and disadvantaged communities to cultural and artistic education.
In this section, you will find alternative education projects aimed at communities with limited access to such activities, which currently lack high-quality training in creative fields, particularly rural communities and/or those from disadvantaged areas, as well as minorities.

Through these types of initiatives, we aim to promote not only access to culture but also a better understanding of technology and the creative potential it offers, equipping new generations with valuable skills for the future.