It made me realise that cinema could be about ordinary people and their dilemmas. It wasn't a film about stars, or riches or absurd adventures Ken Loach, cineast britanic, este...
În majoritatea filmelor, Barcelona este redat ca fiind un oraș extrem de vibrant și colorat, însă în lista alcătuită din cele 3 filme am găsit o diversitate interesantă în ceea...
Nostalgia is a powerful feeling; it can drown out anything Terrence Malick este unul dintre autorii de cinema care se remarcă printr-o viziune originală, dar și extrem de unitară, la...
I used to be bored by politics. Those were the days Mini-seria britanică în regia lui Russell T. Davies portretizează destinul unei familii derulat pe parcursul a 15 ani din...
Cities in Movies – Berlin Climax (Noé, 2019) Berlin, una dintre cele mai vibrante și dinamice capitale europene, este renumit pentru numeroasele instituții culturale pe care le găzduiește, devenind un...
[:en]The city of lights is nothing without its clichés' network comprising every street corner, café and riverbank. Virtual travels to Paris set expectations and build ideal images that can give...
[:en]You might have heard about director Wes Anderson two years ago, at the Oscars, when his movie - The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) - was nominated for Best Picture, Costume...
[:en]The Crown is way better than reality - a sincere review A hyper realistic frame brings into the open the British royalty's private life as such, showing King George VI...
[:en]From the post-war confusion and modern revival to the high quality images and tangled opinions, our cities have been portrayed in many movies as living and breathing characters. Because of...
[:en]The American political drama hooked us all well before Donald Trump's election. House of Cards has been rolling on Netflix since 2013 and on May 30th we are to witness...