With a dedicated team and a network of creative collaborators, we pride ourselves on our ability to craft engaging movies, fashion films, documentaries and cutting-edge new media content.
Opportunity: Tax incentives
Romanian Tax Policy offers a great opportunity for film production companies
As a foreign film production company, if you work with us, you can extract back up to 45% of your money spent on productions in Romania.
Our Work
Latest Productions
Working with 23rd Film production was a real pleasure and an organic and instant relationship has been established. They understood our brand’s needs and successfully created material that has both commercial and artistic values. Their input and experience helped us a lot to have an effective working environment and to deliver the best results!
Atunci când vine vorba de fashion și beauty, nimic nu contează mai mult decât atmosfera. Orice brand care se respectă înțelege că misiunea sa principală e să comunice o poveste, o experiență memorabilă, un univers unic din care să nu vrei să mai pleci niciodată. Oamenii de la 23 Film Hub & Media Company înțeleg foarte bine asta, așa că sunt prima noastră alegere când vine vorba de materiale video inconfundabile și campanii de calitate pentru clienții noștri de top.
Opportunity: Tax incentives
Romanian Tax Policy offers a great opportunity for film production companies
As a foreign film production company, if you work with us, you can extract back up to 45% of your money spent on productions in Romania.